PHILOSOPHY: The Beginning and The End
It is important to know the beginning. For example, when searching for the cause of many ills in the workplace, I realized many of them originate from as early as tertiary, secondary, primary and pre-school. Many people always said the school you attend does not matter but I always had a feeling it did, to a small extent, but no further.

But also, there is also a train of thought that the beginning is not what matters but the end is. Some believe it is not how one performs early in life that matters but the life one lives later on that really matters. There is merit to this as an A student may become employed to a C student later on OR a rich child may squander all his riches and end up poor. It is not in being born that matters but who we are when we die and leave this world that matters. All fair points.

However, one can argue that it all matters. Also, if it all matters then nothing really "matters" as it's all the same. I just wanted to illustrate how two conflicting things can both exist and not exist all at the same time.